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Loan Eligibility

Loan Eligibility

Basic Loan Eligibility

You have proof of need for a loan, i.e., a letter from your landlord, a bill, an estimate, or other written documentation showing how the funds will be used.

You have a social security number. (If you have an ITIN number, you may be eligible for a loan. Please contact info@jfla.org.)

You are a resident of Los Angeles, Ventura, or Santa Barbara County.

You are at least 18 years old.

You have a state-issued California ID, i.e., a driver’s license.

You have a steady source of income, or you are a full-time student.

You have qualified guarantors to secure your loan.

Loans Maximums and Requirements for most personal and emergency loans

Up to 7,500 employed with 1 guarantor

Up to $15,000 employed with 2 guarantors

Special situations

  • If you have an ITIN numbers, you may be eligible for a loan. Please contact us at info@jfla.org.
  • If you are unemployed due to Covid-19, you may still be able to get a loan. Please contact us at info@jfla.org.
  • Santa Barbara residents, who have an ITIN or a social security number, are eligible for personal, emergency, student and infertility loans.