Buying a car on a budget is difficult and the challenge does not seem to be changing anytime soon.
What is a Guarantor?
Guarantors, instead of fees, gives JFLA the assurance of re-payment. A guarantor is a person who agrees to pay back the loan if you are unable to.
A guarantor is at least 25 years old, a resident of the US, has a steady income and has a credit score of 620+.
A guarantor cannot be a current borrower or guarantor on an active JFLA loan
A guarantor will need to provide a current state issued ID, proof of current income and credit will be run
If married, the spouse of the guarantor will need to sign all legal loan documents and provide a current state issued ID and proof of income
We thank all guarantors for assisting JFLA in the power of offering Interest free lending
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